Contact Info
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Rue Hédi EL Karray El Menzah IV, 1004 Tunis
BP 10 Ariana 2080 TUNISIE
Phone: (+216) 71 709 033 / (+216) 71 719 630 / (+216) 71 230 039
Fax: (+216) 71 717 951
Email: inrgref[at]

PostHeaderIcon Financial organization

The income of the institute are made up of resources provided by Decree No. 97-938 of 19 May 1997 and that revenue from sales of agricultural products units of agricultural experiments.

Google Search

23-06-2021 : MAGO PRIMA Project / Management of Water 2020 / PRIMA initiative - Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.


Scientific Events

February 6 - 10, 2017 - Hammamet, Tunisia : Regional Statistics Course